SUJET (Clic pour télécharger l'offre détaillée) | RESPONSABLES |
Etude de l’élaboration de films minces d’oxyde de vanadium comme brique de base pour les réseaux de communication du futur (stage pourvu) | J. L. Deschnavres |
Crystal growth and physical properties of nano-lamellar carbides (stage pourvu) | T. Ouisse |
Innovative Transparent Electromagnetic Shielding & Antennas based on silver nanowire networks (stage pourvu) | D. Bellet |
Unravelling the physiological role of ERM proteins using biomimetic lipid membranes (stage pourvu) | C. Picart |
Engineering of human muscle microtissues (stage pourvu) | T. Boudou |
BioActiveCoatings: Automated deposition of thin films in multi-well plates for cell culture studies | T. Boudou |
Effect of (LK)nL peptides on Insulin aggregation kinetics | M. Weidenhaupt |
Probing Protein Stability at Interfaces (stage pourvu) | M. Weidenhaupt |
Transparent heaters based on Ag nanowire networks: from fundamental aspects to integration in devices (stage pourvu) | D. Bellet |
Study of efficient transparent electrodes with varying haziness for energy applications (stage pourvu) | D. Bellet |
ZnO nanonet fabrication for electrical sensing (stage pourvu) | V. Stambouli |
Development of an innovative washing method combining Macro and micro-magnetic fields. Application to immunoassays (stage pourvu) | P. Kauffmann |
Development of a no-wash immuno-assay combining magnetic nanoparticles and micro-magnet arrays (stage pourvu) | P. Kauffmann |
Dispositif chauffant, transparent et flexible à base de réseaux de nanofils métalliques : mise au point, étude et intégration.(stage pourvu) | D. Bellet |
Characterization of natural adhesive proteins for the design of a surgical glue. (stage pourvu) | Ch. Vendrely |