Chargée de recherche CNRS - Equipe FunSurf

Activités / CV

Valérie Stambouli received her PhD in 1991 in Paris-Sud Orsay University (France). Then she moved to E.P.F.L. (Switzeland) where she was involved in physical and chemical characterizations to study the oxidization and tribological behavior of Fe based alloys. Since 1994, she is a full-time researcher of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). She has been working on the elaboration of metallic and dielectric films using P.V.D. techniques for microelectronics and Microsystems in Orsay University.

In 2002, she joined the LMGP in Grenoble where she initiated an interdisciplinary research program. She focuses on the elaboration and functionnalisation of nanostructured semiconductive materials for label-free biosensing.

Main research topics

  • Elaboration of metal oxide films using different techniques : PVD, MOCVD related techniques, electrodeposition process
  • Functionnalisation of nanostructured semiconductive materials (SnO2, Si, SiC) for biosensors applications.
  • Label free detection of DNA or bacteria on semiconductive materials using different techniques: I (V), electrochemical impedance spectrometry (EIS), optical detection by surface enhanced Raman spectrometry (SERS).

Main recent publications

- Metallic oxide CdIn2O4 films for the label free electrochemical detection of DNA hybridization, A. Zebda, V. Stambouli, M. Labeau, C. Guiducci, J.- P. Diard, B. Le Gorrec, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (2006) 178-184

- Semiconductor oxide based electrodes for the label-free electrical detection of DNA hybridization: comparison between Sb doped SnO2 and CdIn2O4, V. Stambouli, A. Zebda, E. Appert, C. Guiducci, M. Labeau, J.- P. Diard, B. Le Gorrec, N. Brack and P.-J. Pigram, Electrochemica Acta 51 (2006) 5206-5214

- Hybridization of DNA hairpin probes monolabelled with gold nanoparticles grafted on different oxide films : a fluorescence study, V. Lavalley, A. Laurent, A. Zebda, J. E. Mendez and V. Stambouli, Sensors and Actuators B 124 (2007) 564-571

- Preparation and characterization of antimony-doped SnO2 thin films on gold and silver substrates for electrochemical and surface plasmon resonance studies, M. Manesse, R. Sanjines, V. Stambouli, R. Boukherroub and S. Szunerits, Electrochemistry Communication 10 (2008) 1041-1043

- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Surface Plasmon Resonance studies of DNA hybridization on gold/SiOX interfaces, M. Manesse, V. Stambouli, R. Boukherroub and S. Szunerits, The Analyst (2008) 133, 1097-1103

- Preparation and characterization of silver substrates coated with antimony-doped SnO2 thin films for surface plasmon resonance studies, M. Manesse, R. Sanjines, V. Stambouli, C. Jorel, B. Pelissier, M. Pisarek, R. Boukherroub and S. Szunerits, Langmuir 2009, 25 (14) 8036-8041

- Electrical resistivity dependance of semiconductive oxide electrode on the label - free electrochemical detection of DNA, A. Zebda, M. Labeau, J.- P. Diard, V. Lavalley, V. Stambouli, Sensors and actuators B 144 (2010) 176-182

- Elaboration of an Ag°/TiO2 platform for DNA detection by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, M. Langlet, I. Sow, S.  Briche, M. Messaoud, O. Chaix-Pluchery, F. Dherbey-Roussel, P. Chaudouët, V. Stambouli, Surface Science 605 (2011) 2067-2072

- Growth mechanism investigation of SnO2 thin films deposited by aerosol pyrolysis for biosensor applications: Importance of the thickness, V. Stambouli, M. Manesse, F. Férrieu, L. Rapenne, H. Roussel, P. Chaudouët, S. Szunerits, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) 3878-3883


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