Associate Professor, HDR, Grenoble-INP Phelma Researcher @ LMGP, Group leader IMBM Interfaces between Materials and Biological Matter
  • Grenoble INP - Phelma
04 56 52 93 35
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Since 2006, I teach at the Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble INP - Phelma  and UGA at the Master I and II levels in the track Biomedical Engineering and associated master programs: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Immunology and applied Biomedical Engineering.

My research interests focus on Protein-Material interactions. Since 2019 I am heading the team "Interactions between Materials and Biological Matter" (IMBM) at LMGP. We are currently working on therapeutic protein stability at interfaces and study, more generally,  the correlations between material surface properties and protein adsorption.
Selected publications:

Frachon T, et al (2016) Insulin aggregation at a dynamic solid-liquid-air interface. Langmuir 32(49), 13009-13019.
Migliorini E, et al (2018) A practical guide to characterize biomolecule adsorption on solid surfaces (review) Biointerphases,13(6), 06D303.
Lefebvre G et al (2021) Adsorption rate constants of therapeutic proteins and surfacatants for material surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 203, 111722-32.
Lefebvre et al (2021)
Surfactant Protection Efficacy at Surfaces Varies with the Nature of Hydrophobic Materials. Pharm Res
Chouchane et al (2022) Insulin aggergation starts at dynamic triple interfaces,originating from solution agitation Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 214, 112451.


Activités / CV

Born 10th July 1967 in Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg)
Nationality : Luxembourgish

Education at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich
1986-1991     ETH Diploma in Natural Sciences (Microbiology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Immunology, Plant Physiology)
1995              PhD in Natural Sciences

                      Thesis director : Prof. Dr. Hauke Hennecke
                      Subject: In the search for new NifA-dependent genes and their function in Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Postdoctoctoral postions
1995 - 2002   at CEA-Grenoble (France)
2002 - 2006   at EMBL-Grenoble (France)
Since 2006    Associate professor, HDR, at Grenoble INP - Phelma
Additional responsibilities:
International Relations G-INP - Phelma Biomedical Engineering
Biotech facility at CIME Nanotech


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