Overall review
This first workshop aimed to review the ongoing work within the ERC BIOMIM and to expand the scope of the debate by inviting people outside the ERC project. It was very successful.
We brought together researchers working on multidisciplinary topics, at the interface of materials science, cell biology and nano and microtechnology.
It covers both the development of new multifunctional materials and their applications to understand cellular processes, from the initial adhesion of cells to their migration and differentiation.
62 participants to this 1st BIOMIM meeting
We brought together researchers working on multidisciplinary topics, at the interface of materials science, cell biology and nano and microtechnology.
It covers both the development of new multifunctional materials and their applications to understand cellular processes, from the initial adhesion of cells to their migration and differentiation.
See the Gallery photo |
62 participants to this 1st BIOMIM meeting
- about half of them were young researchers (5 Post-docs, 22 PhD students & 5 trainees)
- more than 75% presented their work : 12 invited lectures, 9 oral presentations and 29 posters with a "flash presentation" (less than one minute) to introduce their poster to the audience.
30 participants only for NAMICEB
The BIOMIM ended with the 6th Workshop "Nano and Micro Environments for Cell Biology" (NAMICEB) organized by the Nanosciences Foundation
Prize for the Best Poster
At the end of the NAMICEB workshop, the Nanosciences Foundation awarded 4 prizes for the best poster :
Clarisse BENOIT (Laboratoire des technologies de le Microélectronique / LTM - Grenoble)
- Elisa MIGLIORNI (Département de Chimie Moléculaire /DCM - Grenoble)
- Anastassia KARAGEORGIS (Albert Bonniot Institute - Grenoble)
- Jorge ALMODOVAR (Matrerials & Physical Engineering Lab. / LMGP - Grenoble)
Congratulations to all the winners
First ERC BIOMIM Meeting 2013
Contact us
Professor Catherine PICART
Postal address
LMGP (Grenoble INP & CNRS, UMR 5628),
Grenoble INP - Minatec
3 parvis Louis Néel
38016 GRENOBLE Cedex1
Web site : http://www.lmgp.grenoble-inp.fr/
Postal address
LMGP (Grenoble INP & CNRS, UMR 5628),
Grenoble INP - Minatec
3 parvis Louis Néel
38016 GRENOBLE Cedex1
Web site : http://www.lmgp.grenoble-inp.fr/
Open Positions
Lab Training
Lab Training