LMGP_IMBM_Insuline at triple interface 2022

BIOMIM Project details

 SUBJECT  Biomimetic films and membranes as advanced materials for  studies on cellular processes
 LINK Cordis  ERC Starting Grant / BIOMIM Project
 Professor Catherine PICART
 head of the "Interfaces between Materials and Biological Matter group" (IMBM) of the Materials and Physical Engineering Laboratory (LMGP,  Grenoble INP, UMR CNRS 5628).
 Grenoble Institute of Technology
 Grenoble Institute of Technology / European desk
 Clémentine GLEIZAL
 Cellule Europe / 46, Aveneue Félix Viallet
 38031 Grenoble Cedex 01 - France
 DURATION  60 months
 PERIOD  Start date:2011-06-01
 End date:2016-05-31
 REFERENCE  FP7 Ideas Programme/ Grant agreement 259370