LMGP_IMBM_Insuline at triple interface 2022

2nd ERC BIOMIM MEETING 2015 : At the Frontier between Materials and Biology



 "Natural and biomimetic materials :
from biophysical studies to application in tissue engineering"

The 2nd ERC Biomim meeting workshop aims to bring together researchers working on multidisciplinary topics, at the interface of materials science, microtechnologies, cell biology and biochemistry.

Place : Phelma-Minatec, Grenoble

Dates : from Wednesday March 11th (2 pm) until Friday March 13th (4 pm).

 Wednesday March 11th will be common with the 8th Namiceb workshop of the Nanoscience foundation.

 The meeting will be consists of  :
- 15 plenary talks (35 min including questions)
- 4 short talks (20 min) selected from submitted abstracts
- 3 short talks by the students working on the ERC Biomim project
- 2 poster sessions (2 h)

We expect between 60 and 100 participants


Contact us

Professor Catherine PICART

Postal address
LMGP (Grenoble INP & CNRS, UMR 5628),
Grenoble INP - Minatec
3 parvis Louis Néel
38016 GRENOBLE Cedex1

Web site : http://www.lmgp.grenoble-inp.fr/

Open Positions

Lab Training