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Introduction to Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
- Research
Publication by Lisa Legardinier from the NNS Team
The article entitled "Enhancement of the piezoelectric response of ZnO nanowires grown by PLI-MOCVD using post-deposition treatments through adjusted screening and surface effects" has been published in Nanoscale. - Research
Publication by Vincent Consonni
The article entitled "Large On–Off Enhancement of Au Nanocatalyst Contacts to ZnO Nanowires with Bulk and Surface Oxygen Modification" has been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. - Research
Papier by Hayri Okcu 2025
The paper "Open-Air deposition of Submicron Self-Textured ZnO thin films with high piezoelectric coefficients and oxygen polarity" has been published in Applied Surface Sciences