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- Research
Paper by Françoise Hippert 2019
The paper "Understanding the Crystallization Behavior of Surface-Oxidized GeTe Thin Films for Phase-Change Memory Application" has been published in ACS Applied electronic materials - Research
Paper by Romain Bange 2018
The paper "Superior long term stability of SiC nanowires over Si nanowires under physiological conditions" has been published in Materials Research Express - Research
Paper by César Masse in 2019
The paper "Influence of the geometric parameters on the deposition mode in spatial atomic layer deposition: a novel approach to area-selective deposition" has been published in Coatings. - Research
Paper by Maxime Legallais
The paper "Wafer-scale HfO2 encapsulated silicon nanowire field effect transistor for efficient label-free DNA hybridization detection in dry environment" has been published in Nanotechnology - Research
Paper by Thuy Nguyen
The paper "First evidence of superiority of Si nanonet field effect transistors over multi-parallel Si nanowire ones in view of electrical DNA hybridization detection" has been published in Materials Research Express - Research
Paper by Adria Sales
The paper "Age-dependent migratory behavior of human endothelial cells revealed by substrate icrotopography" has been published in Experimental Cell Researchs - Research
Papier by D. Muñoz-Rojas
The paper "Speeding up the unique assets of atomic layer deposition" has been published in Materials Today Chemistry. - Research
Paper by Raquel Rodriguez Lamas
The paper "Integration of LaMnO3+? films on platinized silicon substrates for resistive switching applications by PI-MOCVD" has been published in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology - Research
Paper by David Muñoz-Rojas
The paper "In-Flow MOF Lithography" has been published in Advanced Materials Technologies . - Research
Paper by Monica Burriel 2019
The paper "Superposition of Interface and Volume Type Resistive Switching in Perovskite Nanoionic Devices" has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C - Research
Papier de Morgane Bonnel 2019
The paperer "Micro-structuration of a sol-gel architecture for channel waveguide / diffraction grating coupling" has been published in Optical Materials - Research
Paper by Joao Resende 2019
The paper "Resilience of Cuprous Oxide under Oxidizing Thermal Treatments via Magnesium Doping" has been published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C - Research
Paper of the SALD team in collaboration with the University of Waterloo
The paper "Ultrathin TiOx Interface?Mediated ZnO?Nanowire Memristive Devices Emulating Synaptic Behaviors" has been published in Advanced Electronic Materials - Research
Paper by Fanny Morisot 2019
The paper "ZnO based nanowire network for gas sensing applications" has been published in Materials Research Express - Research
Publication by Benjamin Meunier & Dolors Pla 2019
The paper "Microscopic Mechanisms of Local Interfacial Resistive Switching in LaMnO3+d" has been published in ACS Applied Electronics Materials - Research
Papier de Clement Lausecker
The paper "Formation mechanisms of ZnO nanowires on polycrystalline Au seed layers for piezoelectric applications" has been published in Nanotechnology - Research
Paper by Viet Nguyen & João Resende 2019
The paper "Low-cost fabrication of flexible transparent electrodes based on Al doped ZnO and silver nanowire nanocomposites: impact of the network density " has been published in Nanoscale - Research
Paper by Odette Chaix and Charlotte Vendrely 2019
The paper Ultraviolet–visible–near-infrared optical properties of amyloid fibrils shed light on amyloidogenesis " has been published in Nature Photonics - Research
Paper by Odette Chaix 2019
The paper "First-order Raman scattering of rare-earth containing i-MAX single crystals (Mo2/3 RE1/)3AlC, RE= {Nd},{Gd},{Dy},{Ho} " has been published in PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS - Research
Paper by G.Deyu 2019
The paper "SnO2 Films Deposited by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis: Influence of Al Incorporation on the Properties" has been published in Molecules - Research
Paper by Getnet Deyu 2019
The paper "Electrical Properties of Low-Temperature Processed Sn-Doped In2O3 Thin Films: The Role of Microstructure and Oxygen Content and the Potential of Defect Modulation Doping" has been published in Materials - Research
Paper by Fanny Morisot 2019
The paper "Al2O3, Al doped ZnO and SnO2 encapsulation of randomly oriented ZnO nanowire networks for high performance and stable electrical devices" has been published in Nanotechnology - Research
Paper by D. Pinek 2019
The paper "Unified description of the electronic structure of M2AC nanolamellar carbides" has been published in Physical Rev B. - Research
Papier de T. Ouisse & D. Pinek 2019
The paper "Modelling in-plane magneto-transport in Cr2AlC" has been published in Ceramics International - Research
Paper by Pierre Gaffuri 2019
The paper "The Path of Gallium from Chemical Bath into ZnO Nanowires: Mechanisms of Formation and Incorporation" has been published in Inorg. Chemistry - Research
Paper by Vincent Consonni 2019
The paper "ZnO Nanowires as a Promotor of High Photoinduced Efficiency and Voltage Gain for Cathode Battery Recharging" has been published in ACS Appl. Energy Mater. - Research
Paper by Caroline Villardie 2019
The paper "Bifunctional TiO2/AlZr Thin Films on Steel Substrate Combining Corrosion Resistance and Photocatalytic Properties " has been published in Coatings - Research
Review paper by Vincent Consonni 2019
The paper '"ZnO nanowires for solar cells: a comprehensive review" has been published in Nanotechnology - Research
Paper by Sara Aghazadehchors 2019
The peprr " Versatility of bilayer metal oxide coatings on silver nanowire networks for enhanced stability with minimal transparency loss" has been published in Nanoscale - Research
Paper by Maxime Legallais 2019
The paper "Material engineering of percolating silicon nanowire networks for reliable and efficient electronic devices" has been published in Material Chemistry and Physics - Research
Paper by Eirini Sarigiannidou 2019
The paper "Paramagnetic gold in a highly disordered Au-Ni-O alloy" has been published in Scientific Reports - Research
Papier de Klaasjan Maas 2019
The paper "Using a mixed ionic electronic conductor to build an analog memristive device with neuromorphic programming capabiliti" has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C - Research
Paper by Clement Lausecker 2019
The paper "Modeling the Elongation of Nanowires Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition Using a Predictive Approach" has been published in J. Phys. Chem. C - Research
Paper by Thierry Ouisse 2019
The paper "Synthesis and Characterization of Double Solid Solution (Zr,Ti)2(Al,Sn)C MAX Phase Ceramics" has been published in Inorganic Chemistry - Research
Paper by Eirini Sarigiannidou in 2019
The paper "Structural, Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Al4C3" has been published in Physica Status Solidi b - Research
Paper by Hong Huy Tran 2019
The paper "Multifunctional composite films with vertically aligned ZnO nanowires by leaching-enabled capillary rise infiltration" has been published in Nanoscale - Research
Paper by Benjamin Meunier & Raquel Rodriguez-Lamas 2019
The paper "Resistive switching in a LaMnO3?+??/TiN memory cell investigated by operando hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy" has been published in Journal of Applied Physics