LMGP - rubrique Laboratoire - Minatec 2022

Alps Memories

Matériaux alternatifs à base de perovskite pour mémoires ReRAM: compréhension et modulation de la commutation résistive

Projet ANR 2016-2019 (ANR-15-CE24-0018)
Défi 7: Société de l’information et de la communication,
Axe 10 : Micro et nanotechnologies pour le traitement de l’information et la communication.

Coordinatrice: Carmen Jiménez (LMGP)
IMEP-LaHC:  Quentin Rafhay
CEA - Leti:     Olivier Renault
UCCS - Lille : Caroline Pirovano

Site Alps Memories (privé)

This project focused on basic research will be devoted to the study of resistive switching (RS) in perovskite materials with the aim of answering fundamental-science questions which will allow to move from fundamental studies of functional oxides to their direct application in emerging NVM devices by:

1. Better understanding of the nanoscale mechanisms governing the RS, charge carriers and interface effects.

2. Demonstrating the effectiveness and application of the optimized materials in reliable perovskite-based ReRAM memories with appropriate performance for non-volatile applications, i.e. fast switching speed, large programming window, high endurance and retention.

3. Evaluate the long-term viability of these perovskite-type memories using intrinsic device performance modelling tools that will allow the comparison of this type of memories with other technological options currently being considered.


LMGP IMEP-LaHC CEA Leti UCCS Lille PhD & Postdoc
Michel Boudard Gérard Ghibaudo Nicolas Chevalier Rose-Noëlle Vannier Klaasjan Mas
Monica Burriel Xavier Mescot Eugenie Martinez Dolors Pla
Odette Chaix Sarunas Bagdzevicius
Etienne Pernot
Laetitia Rapenne
Hubert Renevier
Hervé Roussel