It is important to enhance the chemical stability of semiconductor nanowires in FETs. They must withstand the saline physiological conditions to avoid any drift of the electrical signal. For this purpose, we develop networks of parallel nanowires, Si core passivated by a SiC shell.
SiC is a particularly stable and chemically inert semiconductor already used for power electronics. In addition, it is biocompatible and its technology is compatible with that of Si.
Our group reported the possibility of covalent grafting of DNA on various nanostructured surfaces including those of SiC2. We have developed the world's first NWFET demonstrator based on unique SiC nanowires for the electrical detection of DNA3.
At the present time, we are studying different passivation pathways in accordance with Si nanowires, while retaining their electrical characteristics. In addition, this architecture of parallel Si / SiC nanowires will allow the fabrication of microfluidic channels (Fig.) for real-time electrical detection of biomolecules of strategic interest (DNA ...).
Microfluidic channels with nanowires Si core / SiC shell on SOI substrate. Si nanowires are obtained by etching.
- E. Bano, IMEP-LAHC (France)
- M. Bosi, IMEM (Italy)
- A. Mantoux, SIMAP (France)
- S. Saddows, Univ. Tampa (Floride, USA)
Non-permanent Staff
- Romain Bange (PhD student)
FunSurf Research Topics
- Atmospheric Chemical Deposition of Functional Materials
- Wet Chemistry & Surface Functionalization
- Transparent Conducting Materials
- Nanostructures for Chemical and Biological Sensors
- AGIR Project «BioSiC : Biocapteur à base de nanostructures SiC pour la détection d’ADN » (2015-2018)
- ANR MRSEI: “SiCNANO : Silicon Carbide based Nanotransistors for electrical detection of biomolecules” (2017-2019)
1 - Superior Long-Term Stability of SiC Nanowires over Si Nanowires under Physiological Conditions
R. Bange, E. Bano, L. Rapenne, V. Stambouli, accepted in Mater. Res. Express
2– Bio-functionalization of Silicon Carbide nanostructures for SiC nanowire-based sensors realization
L. Fradetal, V. Stambouli, E. Bano, B. Pelissier, J. H. Choi, M. Ollivier, L. Latu-Romain, T. Boudou, I. Pignot-Paintrand, J. Nanosc Nanotech., 14 (2014) 3391-3397
3- A Silicon Carbide nanowire field effect transistor for DNA detection
L. Fradetal, E. Bano, G. Attolini, F. Rossi, and V. Stambouli, Nanotechnology 27 (23) (2016) 235501-235510