LMGP - Recherche Equipe Funsurf

Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition - AACVD

Among the liquid-source CVD techniques, the AACVD by the use of ultrasonic spraying allows an elaboration at atmospheric pressure under conditions leading to a very well controlled growth as illustrated by different growth type according to the experimental conditions:

- epitaxial growth [VO2/Saphir, SnO2/TiO2 ]

- controled texture [Cu2O] 

- 3D nanostructure – nanoflowers  [TiO2-].

The CVD technique is also versatile in terms of growth conditions and class of materials:

Improvement of luminescence properties by plasma or UV assisted deposition (optical amplification and spectral conversion of solar radiation)

Deposition of fluoride (YF3: Er) and oxyfluoride film highly luminescent by the use of fluorinated precursors.

Permanent staff

Non-permanent staff

Andrii Voszni

  Main publications

"The Role of Humidity in Tuning the Texture and Electrical Properties of Cu2O Thin Films Deposited via Aerosol-Assisted CVD", H. Liu, V. H. Nguyen, H. Roussel, I. Gélard, L. Rapenne, J.-L. Deschanvres, C. Jiménez, D. Muñoz-Rojas, Adv. Mater. Interfaces (2018) 1801364.

“Exploring the optical properties of Vernier phase yttrium oxyfluoride thin films grown by pulsed liquid injection MOCVD”, S.-T. Zhang, M. Modreanu, H. Roussel, C. Jiménez and J.-L. Deschanvres, Dalton transaction, 47 (2018) 2655-2661.

“Up-conversion luminescence in Er/Yb-doped YF3 thin films deposited by PLI-MOCVD”, E.L. Payrer; A.L. Joudrier ; P. Aschehoug; R.M. Almeida; J.L Deschanvres , Journal of Luminescence, 187 (2017) 247-254.

“Structural study of TiO2 hierarchical microflowers grown by aerosol-assisted MOCVD”, Biswas S , Kar A , Jiménez C , Khan A , Forissier S , Muñoz-Rojas D , Deschanvres J L., CrystEngComm, vol. 19, issue 11 (2017) 1535-1544.

“The quest towards epitaxial BaMgF4 thin films: Exploring MOCVD as a chemical scalable approach for the deposition of complex metal fluoride films”, Battiato, S.a, J-L. Deschanvres, H. Roussel, L. Rapenne, B. Doisneau, G G. Condorelli, D. Muñoz-Rojas, C Jiménez, G. Malandrino., Dalton Transactions, 45, Issue 44 (2016) 17833-17842.

“Efficient upconversion in Er3+ doped Y2O3/Si thin film deposited by aerosol UV-assisted MOCVD process”, Rached Salhi and Jean-Luc. Deschanvres, Journal of Luminescence, 170 (2016) 231-239.


