MAX Phases and MXenes Synthesis and Their Electronic Structure

MAX Phases and MXenes Synthesis and Their Electronic Structure

MAX phases are a large family of materials that uniquely combine properties of metals and ceramics. In the Framework of the  ANR projet Maxycrist , the research has allowed to develop crystal growth methods to obtain centimeter-sized crystal of MAX phases, as for example, Cr2AlC. Single crystal growth of those nano-laminates allows us to determine the anisotropic physical properties which are due to their crystal structure. In particular, « ARPES » measurements give an almost direct assessment of their band structure and of their Fermi surface [1].

We use MAX phase single crystals to synthesize macroscopic MXenes, which are the largest class of 2D materials with a huge potential in many applications [2-4]. In collaboration with Institute Pprime, we introduce for the first time an approach to synthesize macroscopic V2CTz MXenes by employing ion-implantation strategy and using single crystal as a precursor material. The synthesized multilayers of V2CTz MXenes with lateral size exceeding 25 µm are the largest exfoliated MXenes flakes reported up to now. More importantly the conversion of V2AlC to 2D V2CTz takes 8 h which is 10 times lower as compared to typical protocols used for V2AlC powder exfoliation. This impressive reduction of etching time is related to the selective damaging of the Al layers induced by ion-implantation that drastically facilitates the chemical etching. This contribution opens new avenues for rapid synthesis of macroscopic MXenes layers and pushes forward the discovery of their fundamental physical properties.

[1] T. Ito, D. Pinek, T. Fujita, M. Nakatake, S.I. Ideta, K. Tanaka, T. Ouisse, Phys. Rev. B 96, 195168 (2017)
[2] H. Pazniak, A.S. Varezhnikov, D.A. Kolosov, I. A., Plugin, A. Di Vito, O.E. Glukhova, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, M. Spasova, I. Kaikov, E.A. Kolesnikov, P. Moras, A.M. Bainyashev, M.A. Solomatin, I. Kiselev, U. Wiedwald, V.V. Sysoev, Adv. Mater. 33, 2104878 (2021).
[3]A. Agresti, H. Pazniak, S. Pescetelli, A. Di Vito, D. Rossi, A. Pecchia, M. Auf der Maur, A. Liedl, R. Larciprete, D.V. Kuznetsov, D. Saranin, A. Di Carlo, Nat. Mater. 18, 1228-1234 (2018)

[4] A. Yakusheva, D. Saranin, D. Muratov, P. Gostishchev, H. Pazniak, A. Di Vito, T. Son Le, L. Luchnikov, A. Vasiliev, D. Podgorny, D. Kuznetsov, S. Didenko, A. Di Carlo, Small 18, 2201730 (2022).
[5] H. Pazniak, S. Hurand, N. Guignard, S. Célérier, U. Wiedwald, T. Ouisse, M.-L. David, V. Mauchamp, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 5, 8029–8037 (2022).

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