Soutenance de Thèse de Mathieu Vigouroux

Mesure de déformation et cristallinité à l'échelle nanométrique par diffraction électronique en mode précession

Thèse de Mathieu Vigouroux

Keywords :
Finite element simulation, Strain relaxion, Precesion electron diffraction (PED), Strain, Deformation, Polycristallinity, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM),  SiGe, InGaAs, omega-gate transistor, Phase-Change Memory (PCM)

Directeurs de thèse :  François Bertin  Bernard Chenevier

cliquer pour voir la liste des membres du jury/click here to see the jury members

Abstract : Mesure de déformation et cristallinité à l'échelle nanométrique par diffraction électronique en mode précession

Precession electron diffraction (PED) is a recent technique used to minimize acquired diffractionpatterns dynamic effects. The primary intention of this PhD work is to improve PED (PrecessionElectron Diffraction) data analysis and treatment methodologies in order to measure the strain at thenanoscale. The strain measurement is intended to reach a 10-3 strain precision as well as usualmicroscopy techniques like high-resolution imaging. To this end, measurements were made with a JEOL 2010A with a Digistar Nanomegas precession module.The approach developed has been used and tested by measuring the strain in a Si/SiGe multilayeredreference sample with a known Ge Content. Strain measurements reached 1x10-4 sensitivity withexcellent finite element strain simulation agreement. This process has been also applied to measure thestrain in microelectronic InGaAs Quantum Well and an "Ω-gate" experimental transistor devices.The second approach developed has been made to provide a robust means of studying electrontransparent nanomaterial polycrystallinity with precession. Examples of applications of this analysismethod are shown on different devices.


Membres du jury/Jury members
Le président du jury était Thierry Baron.
Le jury était composé de Vincent Delaye, Guillaume Brunetti.
Les rapporteurs étaient Brice Gautier, Karine Masenelli-Varlot.

Infos date
Soutenance 11 Mai 2015

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