Séminaires LMGP - Dr Marianna PEROGLIO - Dr David Eglin

Cell, organ and biomaterial interactions intervertebral disc and bone repair

Dr. Marianna Peroglio : 
Senior Research Scientist - AO Research Institute Davos, Switzerland

Abstract: Bioreactor-based organ cultures models represent a valuable tool to fill the gap between in vitro and in vivo testing of cell- and biomaterial-based regenerative approaches. The talk will focus on intervertebral disc whole organ cultures, with a special emphasis on hyaluronan hydrogels and stem cell therapies (delivery and migration) for nucleus pulposus repair. A brief excursion on gradient and multi-patterned materials for rapid screening of cell-material interactions for bone repair will complete the presentation.

Development of Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Bone Tissue Repair and Regeneration

Dr. David Eglin :  Principal Investigator , Leader of the Polymers Focus Area, AO Research Institute Davos, Switzerland

Abstract: In the last two decades, the AO Research Institute Davos (ARI) has become a multidisciplinary group focusing on a holistic approach of the repair of traumatic and degenerative injuries, notably combining specialist knowledge in Biomaterials and processing technologies (e.g. biofabrication). To illustrate the translational and exploratory Biomaterials research performed at the ARI, the development and assessment in a large preclinical model of a 3D printed bioactive patient-specific implant, and innovative technologies for the fabrications of cellularised 3-Dimensional constructs, will be reported. 

Infos date
10 h 30 - salle de séminaire LMGP - 2ème étage
Infos lieu
Grenoble INP - Phelma
3 parvis Louis Néel - 38000 Grenoble
Accès : TRAM B arrêt Cité internationale

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