Séminaire LMGP - 10/05/2016 - Dr.Thomas DUGUET

Applied and Fundamental Aspects of Metallic and Intermetallic Coatings Deposition

Dr. Thomas Duguet
CIRIMAT, CNRS – University of Toulouse



The development of coatings and thin films for a specific application necessitates a proper control of the system; from the deposition process to the expected properties. Two of our research activities will be presented concerning (i) the metallization of composites for space applications, and (ii) the synthesis of Al-Fe intermetallic coatings dedicated to catalysis. Despite these specific applications, we will show how we treat both applied and fundamental aspects with about half of our activities treated empirically, whereas the other half makes extensive use of deterministic and probabilistic calculations.

Infos date
Grenoble INP - Phelma
Laboratoire LMGP
3 parvis Louis Néel - 38000 Grenoble
Accès : TRAM B arrêt Cité internationale
Free entrance - No registration
Infos lieu
14:00 h - 2ème étage - salle de séminaire

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