Introduction to Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)

Vincent serge Dr Serge GAMBARELLI and Dr Vincent MAUREL



Introduction to Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)


During this talk we will present the principles of EPR spectroscopy and the different kinds of samples that can be studied with this technique including free radicals, paramagnetic defects or dopants in semi-conductor materials and paramagnetic transition metal ions. We will also explain the basics for reading EPR spectra and what structural and electronic information can be obtained from them.  Selected examples will focus on semi-conducting materials, nanoparticles, dopants and light induced processes. We will finish with the presentation of the capability of our spectrometers and some recent instrumental developments.

Short Bio/CV

Dr. Serge GAMBARELLI  & Dr. Vincent MAUREL

are researchers at CEA-SyMMES since 1998 and 2007 (resp.). They manage the SyMMES EPR facility of the Infrastructure de Recherche INFRANALYTICS (FRE 2054) since 2022.

Infos lieu
14HSalle des Séminaires LMGP

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