What motivated your decision to come to LMGP?
After almost 4 years PhD at the University of Birmingham (UK), I wanted to return to France and Grenoble in particular for two main reasons: firstly excellence and international influence the Minatec Campus, secondly the quality of life and the surrounding mountains.
An offer of LMGP drew my attention: first by its subject, "transparent conductive materials for energy", which was very close to my thesis and which could lead to applications in the field of renewable energy; then, by the presence in the team of a person I had already enjoyed the qualities during my master thesis (CEA-Grenoble). So I answered and I was selected.
What these two years have brought you?
The first year I was able to appreciate the laboratory where friendliness is not lacking and the work environment. I have also found, for all the techniques I used (SEM, TEM, X-ray, ...), very competent and very helpful people I could contact at any time. And that's really important!
Having obtained a Lecturer position at Grenoble INP, I had the chance to stay a 2nd year and continue my research in this group.
So I acquired a dual competence in research and higher education. I could see that it is not easy to do both simultaneously. Also, I really enjoyed working with students not much older than me ! In addition, the fact that the lab is in the same building as the school where I taught, Phelma, has greatly facilitated the "privileged" contacts.
What message or advice would you give to future post-docs?
"Persevere" in a field of research allows you to acquire more "expertise". You are then better able to present yourself, wether at a conference or looking for a job.
(Gaël Giusti - January 2014)