SEMINAR LMGP - 19/11/2024 - Eleni Chatzikyriakou

" Computational methods for polariton simulation "

Computational methods for polariton simulation  "


Eleni Chatzikyriakou


Affiliation (CFM Materials Physics Center, San Sebastian, Spain),

 visiting LMGP (Dr. David Muñoz-Rojas)


Materials with finite polarization host a multitude of interesting physics that can be exploited for novel (opto)electronic device configurations. One of the interesting effects is the formation of polaritons, quasiparticles that result from the interaction of electromagnetic waves with excitons or phonons in matter. Polaritons have the potential to increase the intrinsic response of 2D materials, that is generally too weak for the THz regime, thus opening the route for next generation internet, imaging and medical devices. In this seminar, I will present computational methods for theoretical examinations of many aspects of polariton device operation, from phonon dispersion plots to transport properties.

Short Bio/CV

Eleni Chatzikyriakou is a post-doctoral researcher at CFM Materials Physics Center in San Sebastian, working in transport and optical properties of materials with broken symmetries in the group of Ivo Souza that develops the software WannierBerri. She has previously been a Marie Curie fellow at CEA Grenoble, where she worked in simulations for flying qubit technology with the quantum transport software Kwant in the group of Xavier Waintal. Her work is interdisciplinary ranging from first principles simulations to quantum and mesoscopic transport, bridging the gap between the two with efficient computational methods and Machine learning techniques.

Location infos
2.00 amSeminar room LMGP