SEMINAR LMGP - 16/07/2024 - Elise BOU

"Micro and nano technologies for selective biomarker isolation and detection "
"Micro and nano technologies for selective biomarker isolation and detection "

Elise Élise Bou Post-doc

LMGP, Grenoble-INP, CNRS, Grenoble, France




Physiological fluids contain precious information for medical diagnostics and biological research. The information of interest is contained in specific nucleic acid or protein molecules known as biomarkers. Liquid biopsy consists in specifically collecting biomarkers of interest in order to perform appropriate downstream analysis. The effective implementation of liquid biopsy is a challenge in complex body fluids such as blood, where biomarkers are diluted among many other biological entities and where some of them are contained within cells. Micro- and nano-technologies open a wide range of possibilities for the development of innovative devices offering solutions for liquid biopsy applications. This presentation will introduce two examples of such devices in the field of oncology and molecular diagnostics. First, the conception of a micro-filter with integrated electrical and optical measurements for the monitoring of Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) capture in whole blood will be presented. Secondly, the use of magnetophoresis in a microfluidic chip for molecular diagnostics will be described. These two projects are in collaboration with companies aiming to develop accessible point of care (POC) equipment for biomedical applications.

Short Bio/CV

I am currently a post-doctoral researcher at LMGP laboratory working on magnetism and microfluidics applied to molecular diagnostics in collaboration with MagIA diagnostics company.

I have been graduated from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Toulouse in 2017 with a Physics Engineering diploma specialized in Micro Nano Technologies and in 2020 with a PhD in Physics. My PhD research work was focusing on the capture and detection of tumor cell biomarkers in whole blood and was conducted in the frame of a CIFRE convention in collaboration between LAAS-CNRS laboratory and SmartCatch company.

I have subsequently involved myself in the technological transfer process by working in research & development and then product development as part of SmartCatch team between 2021 and 2023.

I am very interested by research topics at the interface of physics, material sciences and biology to answer prevailing challenges in the biomedical field and in innovation for clinical point of care applications.

Location infos
2.00pmSeminar room LMGP