Victorien MAMET - PhS Student LMGP- DBV Technologies
Abstract :
DBV Technologies a biotech amongst the leaders in the field of food allergy treatment. The main product developped is the “Viaskin” Patch, where the pharmaceutical active ingredient is deposited onto the patch by an electrospray technology. The charged liquid forms a fine and stable spray of monodispersed droplets of size about 1-20 µm.
The main aim of the PhD studies is to explore a new industrial process, allowing a better yield together with larger range of liquid formulations sprayed, by the addition of a gas flow to help the droplets production and their guiding. This research will be done by modeling the different steps of the process : from the generation of a liquid cone to the nebulization of the droplets.
The different models are developped under the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics, well-adapted for the coupling of the different physical equations studied.
udent, LMGP – DBV Technologies
Date infos
Grenoble INP - Phelma
Laboratoire LMGP
3 parvis Louis Néel - 38000 Grenoble
Accès : TRAM B arrêt Cité internationale
Free entrance - No registration
Location infos
2:00 pm - 2nd floor- seminar room