"Interaction of Light with Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks"
Assist. Pr. Valentin A. MILICHKO
ITMO University, School of Physics, Russia, Head of Ru-Fr Lab
Universite de Lorraine, IJL, France, Assoc. Researcher
Flexible metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a special class of artificial solids combining high crystallinity with unprecedented structural dynamics. Due to the specificity of the framework assembly and the mechanics of individual building blocks, the structural dynamics can be observed at the unit cell level (1 nm^3) with a rate comparable to the phonon propagation in solids (nanoseconds). Here, using laser pulses as a fast source of activation energy, we demonstrate the influence of MOF’ topology, chemical composition, and laser parameters on the nature (from local conformations to phase transitions) and efficiency of structural dynamics of MOFs for nonlinear optics, all-optical data storage and processing.
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