Speaker | Title | Pdf |
P. Gomez-Romero | Investigating energy | |
B. Masenelli | Nanocharacterization of materials for energy | |
F. Sauvage | Materials for photovoltaic : the revival of sensitization of large bandgap semi-conductors | |
S. Anton | Piezoelectric materials & energy harvesting | |
N. Mingo | The high throughput approach in the search for novel materials: application to thermoelectrics | |
J. Canales-Vázquez | Fuel cells technology & progress in SOFCs | |
F. Willaime & Y. Bréchet | Materials for nuclear energy : fusion & fission | |
A. Tarancón | Power-to-Fuel and solar fuel : new words for "old" concepts | |
R. Janot | Materials for hydrogen storage: a short overview | |
R. Bouchet | Materials for electrochemical storage I: Batteries | |
P. Gomez-Romero | Materials for electrochemical storage II: from supercapacitors to hybrid storage | |
S. Wimbush | Superconductors | |
M. Burriel | Characterization of energy materials by ion beam analysis techniques | |
J. Rodriguez-Carvajal | Neutron diffraction as a tool for studying materials for energy | |
M. Perálvarez | Materials and efficient lighting | |
S. Aksoy | Electro/magneto-caloric refrigeration | |
G. Foray & D. Quénard | Super insulation materials for building application | |