Overall review
This international workshop aimed at giving an up-to-date description and review of the different materials and technologies currently being implemented for various energy applications, with a special focus on renewables.
Fundamentals aspects, as well as modeling and characterization have been widely covered, foccussing on :
Fundamentals aspects, as well as modeling and characterization have been widely covered, foccussing on :
- materials for energy conversion,
- materials forenergy storage,
- materials for an efficient use of energy.
52 participants to this first MAT4ENERGY Conference
- more than half were young researchers ( 8 Post-Docs and 21 PhD students),
- more than 85% presented their work : 5 plenary lectures, 12 invited talks, and 28 posters .
See the Gallery photo |
Prizes for best poster
8 Posters were awarded at the end of the conference :
8 Posters were awarded at the end of the conference :
CEMAM Prize | APL Materials Prizes | Materials Horizons prizes |
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- CEMAM prize to Deepak DUBAL (ICN2 / CSIC-ICN - Barcelona - Spain)
- 4 APL Materials prizes to :
- David DODOO-ARHIN (1st gold prize / University of Ghana - Legon-Accra - Ghana)
- Marie Le GALLIC (2nd gold prize / LMGP - Grenoble - France)
- Anouk PERRET (1st silver prize / MATEIS - INSA Lyon - France)
- Shanting ZHANG (2nd silver prize / LMGP - Grenoble - France)
- 3 Materials Horizons prizes to
- Perrine CARROY (CEA - LITEN / INES - Le Bourget-du-Lac - France)
- Mélanie LAGRANGE (LMGP - Grenoble - France)
- Rakesh K. SHARMA (LEPMI - St Martin d'Hères - France)