LMGP Scientific days in 2024

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The LMGP scientific days held on 17th and 18th June 2024 at GreenEr

These internal meeting are dedicated to do the balance of the scientific activity during the periode 2019 -2024 in order to prepare the evaluation of the lab by the HCERES. 

 A round table was also organised to exchange with the Phd and postdoctoral students about the possible carrier and job after a PhD. These round table benecifed of th experience of old PhD and postdoctoral students of LMGP who are nowadays teacher at the university, researcher in CEA or at the industry. We thank the contributor for shaing their experience. 

Yhese scientific days are always a special moment of the year to explain to all the laboratory staff the scientific advances. The PhD studens contribued through oral presentation and poster

This year, Jamie Silk (1st year Phd) and Hayri Okcu (2nd year Phd) were awarded with  the price for the best oral presentation and poster respectibily, Congratulations!