Martin Seiss, Director of thesis : Thierry Ouisse (LMGP) Crystallographic defect observed during the growth of a SiC single crystal (AFM image).
April 2013
Mathieu VIGOUROUX, Directors of thesis : Bernard Chenevier (LMGP) and Vincent Delaye CEA-LETI Nanopyramids
Juin 2013
Sophie GUILLEMIN, Directors of thesis : Vincent CONSONNI (LMGP) and George BREMOND(INL-Lyon) Zinc Oxide Garden in Winter (Scanning Electron Microscopy colorized image).
Juillet 2013
Ionela ILIESCU, Director of thesis : Michel Boudard (LMGP) Flower of YMn2O5 (Scanning Electron Microscopy image / MEB-FEG)